Friday, November 28, 2008

Silliness is the opposite of insanity

There's too much insanity in the world. Look at Mumbai/Bombay, where it looks like religious whackjobs have decided their ideology is more important than people's lives. I think they should be called thugs and criminals, not terrorists - terrorism has an appeal that criminality may lack.

On the silliness side, our brilliant government has decided that if they can't win a majority government following the rules, they'll change the rules and starve the opposition of cash. This is their response to the worldwide economic fiasco. It'll save all of $20 million every 4 years or so. And, not inconsquentially, make it more likely they'll win the next election with an actual majority government, as they have proved far better at fundraising. Now, I think the opposition should focus on getting better at fundraising, it's not like setting up a website that accepts donations is beyond today's technology, but they also need to shape up as who in their right mind would support a lame duck leader like Dion?

Is religion, on the whole, bad? Hard to decide, and it really shouldn't be given all religions claim to teach goodness. So at the least religion is one justification people can use to do bad things. There are others - I disagree with atheists who claim religion is the sole cause of much evil, like the inquisition, holocaust, war, etc. If it hadn't been religious differences, the whackos among us would have found other justifications. Mao and Stalin used political ideology. I can't make ideology silly right now. Some ideologies are silly, but their practitioners tend to cause too much harm.

OK, I will try to make ideology silly.

Conservative ideology - government is bad. Vote for me.
Liberal ideology - it's not your fault. Unless you're a conservative.
Creationist ideology - I didn't evolve! Try not to agree, please.
Fundamentalist Islam ideology - women are too hot, so we wrap them in cloth. Does this mean they acknowledge their penises are stronger than their willpower?
Papal ideology - I am infallible. So were my predecessors. But I'm sorry about the whole Galileo thing. And the concordat with the Nazis. Bad connection to our boss, I guess.

Fingers crossed, India and Pakistan will work together to root out criminal wimps bent on attacking civilians to make a point.

Insult of the day: Nipple totalitarian (for a breast feeding fanatic - and yes, boob is best, and I am glad those days are well behind me).

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