Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I realize, given the title of this blog, it should perhaps be psnow, but there is a line between silly and stoopid which that crosses.

It is snowing. I love snow. More is better, even though I hate driving in the stuff. I paid over $1,500 last year in snow-related car repairs, and that was without any collisions. Did you know - and I didn't - that if you overheat your engine by repeatedly spinning your tires, you can crack the manifold? This results in a very bad smell as coolant leaks all over the snow/ice/meltwater from spinning tires. It also results in a very expensive car repair - even more expensive than that miraculous invention, the snow tire. I do know snow tires work. I just didn't buy any. See fourth last word in first sentence for how this should be discribed.

Lines I really like:
Republicans only care about children until the cord is cut. (from Margaret and Helen's blog)
The reasonable man seeks to adapt himself to suit the world. The unreasonable man seeks to adapt the world to suit himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. (Shaw)
There's no proof anywhere that life was meant to be serious. (I forget, and will look it up)
Sir, if you were my husband, I'd poison your tea. (Lady Aster)
Madam, if I were your husband, I'd drink it. (Sir Winston Churchill)

Oh, to have a mind that quick! It must make life fun. And frustrating.

Now for some economic predictions for 2009. If you wish to use these to make money, take the direct route - send it to your favourite charity, then invest the tax refund in government bonds or, better still, your highest-interest debt.

1. The markets will go up, and down, and people will freak out either way.
2. The US will run a big deficit. Really big.
3. My request for a bailout will be declined. Apparently I am not too big to fail. Should I give up exercise?

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