Thursday, December 18, 2008

Silly news

Our local paper has proclaimed the imminent arrival of snowmaggedon - even though the actual article notes we won't get much snow. This is our over the fold front page headline. Aren't there more, um, relevant and important stories to report? Like the proof that our friends to the south have a government that approved torture, at the highest levels?

Snowmaggedon is a fun word. Not headline-worthy unless we're actually getting above average amounts of snow, but fun. Torture is not a fun word. Are the editors trying to keep things light before Christmas?

Time to develop and market a "Free Lynddie England - Arrest Bush" t-shirt. You could have a whole series, given how many people in that horrific administration participated in approving torture.

The argument that torture could prevent a 9-11 is demonstrably false. Nothing prevents an individual being tortured from lying, and doing so convincingly, or telling partial truths that mislead. The evidence I've read shows any form of torture to result in individuals telling their abusers what the abusers want to hear - which isn't the same as providing reliable intelligence, the supposed goal of such heinous treatment.

The only good thing I can see about torture is that it lets us use many synonyms for really bad.


Did I mention wrong? It's that simple - torture is wrong. Always. In all situations. Are there degrees of wrong? Well, there are certainly degrees of culpability. Those authorizing and directing it may be more or less culpable than those carrying out orders, but I'd argue the more senior individuals should be held as ultimately accountable.

Free Lynddie! Arrest Bush! They executed individuals after WWII for the same tactics. I don't think execution is acceptable either, but prosecution is essential to start reinstating America as the leader of the free world. Right now it's a sorry pit of immorality at the highest levels. Thanks Shrub. Have a crappy Christmas. It's what you deserve.