Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tis the season! Merry merry.

The big day is tomorrow, the gifts are wrapped, we head out soon to Grandma Janet's house for lobster souffle. Mmm, lobster. She keeps threatening to stop making it, but happily has not made good on those threats.

I hear the pope has equated homosexuality with destruction of the rainforests. Hmmm. Is he equating trees with penises? Probably not - he doesn't want to cut down trees, but only wants penises up if they are ready to make babies. I still figure we got the go forth and multiply thing down quite well, thank you very much, and can move on to another goal. Love thy neighbour gets my vote. I love Christmas, despite being an atheist, but I do get annoyed at those who think their way is the only way.

Of course, that's what religions do - claim their way is the only way, so please tithe to us. Why are they all so down on gays? Why do celebate men in dresses seem so threatened by intercourse? What's wrong with birth control? Why do fundamentalists get so uptight about science, specifically evolution? How much wood could a wood chuch chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

So, tomorrow we will unwrap gifts under our pagan tree, eat turkey, enjoy being with our families and not go to church. Most of our traditions come from the pagans, celebrating the return of the light. Turns out a big party is way more appealing than a day in church. So happy solstice, enjoy whatever traditions you have. I will!


Isabella's Blog said...

Merry merry back at you!

Anonymous said...

Merry, merry to you too! Much turkey and root vegetables around here and merriment around the tree and the piano.